by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

The Winterbotham Trust Company Limited becomes a BISX Sponsor Member

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that The Winterbotham Trust Company Limited has applied for and been approved as a BISX Sponsor Member responsible for ensuring the smooth listing of mutual funds on the Exchange. As a result, The Winterbotham Trust Company Limited (Winterbotham) will be added to the roster of eligible Sponsor Members that are qualified to introduce mutual fund listings to BISX.

Winterbotham becomes the seventh Sponsor Member to join BISX, and brings to the Exchange a wealth of experience in the areas of fund administration and trust services. The addition of the BISX Sponsor Membership will allow Winterbotham to offer more value added services to their clients.

BISX Chief Executive Officer Keith Davies commenting on the admission of The Winterbotham Trust Company Limited as a BISX Sponsor Member stated, “We are pleased to have Winterbotham join BISX as a Sponsor Member. Winterbotham is one of BISX’s original shareholders, and so we regard this as the deepening of an already existing relationship. I would like to thank Minister Ryan Pinder for bringing Winterbotham’s CEO, Mr. Ivan Hopper and I together to discuss new business opportunities during the course of the 2014 International Business and Finance Summit hosted by the Bahamas Financial Services Board. His involvement enabled the meetings that lead to this new BISX Sponsor Membership, and we are encouraged that the Ministry of Financial Services and Investments has incorporated BISX into its overall strategic plans for the development and expansion of the Financial Services Industry.”

BISX Sponsor Membership allows professional organizations to introduce applicant investment funds to the Exchange with the purpose of these funds being listed on the Exchange under BISX’s Listing Rules for Mutual Funds. In order to become a BISX Sponsor Member, applicant organizations go through a due diligence process with the BISX Executive Staff after which a determination on Membership is made by the BISX Membership Committee.

Speaking about this new membership; Ivan Hopper Chief Executive Officer of Winterbotham said: “It is important for us to continue developing added value services for our fund clients. Listing is one of those important requirements that fund managers look for when setting up a fund and we will now be able to provide a solution in this regard. Our Company is the largest fund administrator by number of funds in The Bahamas, and we expect to be able to sponsor many funds to become listed on the exchange. This will increase our ability to attract funds to The Bahamas and further enhance our offering in our fund services division”

Mr. Davies added: “Memberships such as this are essential to the growth and development of our country’s ability to offer differentiated services in the financial services community. As a result we believe that this is an excellent addition to our Exchange and we look forward to engaging Winterbotham on new business development initiatives as well.”

BISX is committed to working with its members to continue to develop value added products and services for the investing public, and for financial services providers and their clients.

For Additional Information Contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Speaks to R. M. Bailey Senior High School

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) spent the afternoon of Monday 17 February 2014 with the Grade 12 Economics and Commerce classes of the R. M. Bailey Senior High School. Speaking to the students was BISX Chief Executive Officer, Keith Davies, and BISX Acting Chief Operating Officer Holland Grant. This session with a small grouping allowed students interested in Economics and Commerce to ask questions directly to senior Exchange Officials.

BISX Chief Executive, Keith Davies commented on the visit: \”Firstly I would like to thank Ms. Moree, R.M. Bailey’s Commerce teacher for having contacted BISX to arrange the session, as a society we owe so much to all of the teachers that go the extra mile for our young people, and so it was our pleasure to assist them in their efforts.”

During the speaking session, the BISX executives spoke about the Exchange as well as stocks, bonds and other financial instruments, but also took time to speak about their educational and professional experience. During the session, Mr. Davies also took time to educate the students on the traits that employers look for in employees. He noted: “I enjoy talking about the stock exchange, but beyond that, this is one of those rare opportunities that high school students get to speak with senior executives informally about the working world. I think that I was able to impart some advice that will be invaluable to these students in the future.”

Speaking about the session BISX Acting Chief Operating Officer, Holland Grant noted: “this was a bit of a homecoming for both myself and Keith, I spent many afternoons on the campus of R.M. Bailey while in the Technical Cadet Corps Programme, and it was through this program that I received a scholarship to attend the College of The Bahamas. Keith spent many Saturdays, playing soccer on R.M. Bailey’s playing field, so there is also an emotional element to a talk like this. My hope is that some of the advice that we imparted assists these students in their future educational and professional pursuits.”

For Additional Information Contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320
