by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Lists the Internazionale Investment Fund


The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Internazionale Investment Fund Limited (the “Fund”) has successfully submitted an application to be listed on BISX using the Exchange’s Mutual Fund Listing Facility. The fund was approved for listing by the BISX Listing Committee and will now have its information disseminated via the BISX Website.

The Fund is licensed as a “SFM 007” SMART Fund pursuant to the Investment Funds Act, 2003. SMART Funds are one of the fastest growing wealth management structures in The Bahamas as they allow service providers the flexibility required to offer unique financial and legal solutions to their clients.

Speaking on this development, Mr. Keith Davies CEO of BISX stated: “We are very encouraged by this latest listing. Earlier this year, BISX identified SMART funds as a target market that we would focus on at the Exchange, and this is now our second SMART Fund listing in three months, so we are very pleased and we are quite optimistic for the future of SMART funds listings on BISX. To encourage this growth, we have offered unique fee proposals to encourage our financial services providers to seriously consider a BISX listing when creating SMART Funds.”

Continuing, Mr. Davies noted: “Some of the main advantages that financial services providers receive from establishing operations in The Bahamas are the sovereignty of the jurisdiction and the ease of access to key decision makers. BISX prides itself on the fact that we engage with the industry and especially our Members in an effort to find new ways of differentiating The Bahamas from our competing jurisdictions. The feedback of our Sponsor Members has been integral to the growth of our Mutual Fund Listing Facility.”

The Fund has appointed Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch to act as the Investment Manager and Sponsor Member.

For Additional Information Contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Lists the Sapphire Venture Fund Limited


The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Sapphire Venture Fund Ltd, has submitted an application to be listed on BISX using the Exchange’s Mutual Fund Listing Facility. This fund was approved for listing by the BISX Listing Committee and will now have its information disseminated via the BISX Website.

The Sapphire Venture Fund Ltd’s is licensed as a “SFM 007” SMART Fund pursuant to the Investment Funds Act, 2003 and becomes the first SMART Fund to be listed on the Exchange. SMART Fund stands for Specific Mandate Alternative Regulatory Test Fund and is a Bahamian designed asset management structure to combine the flexibility required by service providers with the responsibilities of regulators.

Speaking on this development, Mr. Keith Davies CEO of BISX stated: “We consider this another significant event in the history of the Exchange. The SMART Fund is an innovative Bahamian structure designed to assist Bahamian service providers with offering value-added products to their clients. Marrying this structure to the national stock exchange of The Bahamas only makes sense and we look forward to bringing on many more SMART funds in the future. As our jurisdiction faces increasing competitive pressures, it seems only appropriate that service providers find new ways of demonstrating value to their clients.”

SMART Fund Model 7 or SFM 007 is the latest template added to the available SMART Fund templates, funds under SFM 007 require a minimum initial investment of $500,000, and so are not suitable for retail investors.

The investment objective of the Company is to spread its risk by investing in a diverse portfolio of commercial and residential real estate properties in prime locations in The Bahamas with long-term leases and high quality tenants. By doing so the Company aims to generate stable and increasing cash flow and asset value. The Company has appointed Sapphire Venture Management Ltd. to act as the Investment Manager for the Company and Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank & Trust Ltd. acted as its Sponsor Member.

For Additional Information Contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320
