by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Increases International Presence through new International Recognition


FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION – Friday, October 28, 2011

BISX Increases International Presence Through International Recognition The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that BISX has been registered by The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC) as a Designated Offshore Securities Market (DOSM). This designation is a recognition within the meaning of Rule 902(b) of Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933.

BISX attained this designation after undergoing a rigorous application process that involved BISX satisfying the US SEC that BISX met the requirements in order to be recognized as a Designated Offshore Securities Market. Speaking about the DOSM recognition, BISX Chairman, Ian Fair stated: “I am very pleased that BISX has achieved this designation. Recognition from a well respected international regulatory agency such as the US SEC sends a strong message to the international community that BISX is an organization that maintains rules and operating procedures that are up to the standards of the international community.”

The BISX Chief Executive Officer, Keith Davies also commented on the DOSM recognition stating, “As the stock exchange of The Bahamas, it is part of the mission of BISX to pursue initiatives that benefit the country as a whole, as well as the Exchange. This recognition as a DOSM was made possible by the initiatives undertaken by BISX in the form of investments in our trading technology, as well as our investments in maintaining a regulatory regime that meets international standards. However, this recognition also speaks to the soundness of our regulatory environment on the ground level, as it demonstrates the competence and effectiveness of the entire securities regulatory infrastructure of The Bahamas.”

The BISX CEO also explained that the US SEC recognition as a DOSM will allow the Exchange to assist market participants who are eligible for the safe harbour provided by Rule 904 of Regulation S in satisfying the requirements specified in that rule when reselling securities in, on or through the facilities of BISX. Mr. Davies added, “Now that we have attained this designation as a DOSM, we still have much more work to do to take full advantage of the access and benefits this affords us to investors from the larger United States market. We intend to expand and accelerate our international plans through the BISX Global platform along with our international partners who are assisting us with this initiative. We expect to have a lot more to say in the coming days and weeks ahead about being designated as a DOSM, however, suffice it to say, this is a good day in the short history of BISX and we look forward to achieving the next important milestone.”

To view a copy of the US SEC announcement, please visit:

For additional information from BISX, please contact:

Mr. Holland Grant, BISX

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

Royal Fidelity’s TIGRS 4 and 5 are successfully listed on BISX

FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION – Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited, Class N, TIGRS, Series 4 Sub Fund and the TIGRS, Series 5 Sub Fund (“the TIGRS 4 Sub Fund” and “the TIGRS 5 Sub Fund” respectively) have successfully completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and have now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange. The TIGRS 4 and TIGRS 5 Sub Funds are closed end sub-funds of the Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited.

These two funds are the fifth and sixth offerings of international investment products to Bahamians by Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank and Trust Limited. The TIGRS 4 shares offer 100% Principal Protection. The return on these shares is linked to the performance of the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM), the S&P 500 Index, and the MSCI Europe, Australasia, and Far East (EAFE) Index (“Indices Basket”). The TIGRS 4 Sub-Fund matures on December 14, 2015.

The TIGRS 5 shares also offer 100% principal Protection. The return on the Series 5 Shares is linked to the performance of the The DAXglobal Agribusiness Index (DXAG, 60%) and the Energy Select Sector Index (IXE, 40%) (“Indices Basket”). The TIGRS 5 Sub-Fund matures on July 1, 2016.

Royal Fidelity is able to offer these international investment products to Bahamians as a result of the Central Bank of The Bahamas’ Exchange Control Liberalization Program (the Liberalization Program) which allows BISX Broker-Dealer Members to access US$ currency for the specific purpose of creating Bahamian based investment products for local investors. The Liberalization Program which began with the creation of international funds by Royal Fidelity and CFAL in December 2007, currently counts 7 funds (including TIGRS 4 & 5) listed on the Exchange that offer international investment products to Bahamians.

The Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited, Class N, TIGRS, Series 1 Sub Fund (“the TIGRS 1 Sub Fund”), the first fund offered by Royal Fidelity under this program matured on June 30, 2011 and has been delisted from the Exchange, in accordance with the fund’s Offering Memorandum.

BISX Chief Executive Officer; Keith Davies commented on the listing of the TIGRS 4 and 5 Sub Funds; “We are pleased to have been able to provide a platform where the creativity and innovation of our Broker-Dealer Members can be put to good use for the benefit of Bahamian investors. Royal Fidelity should be congratulated for creating another international mutual fund in their family of TIGRS mutual funds. Products such as this mutual fund which has been developed and launched by Royal Fidelity will continue to positively impact our economy and provide investment diversification for investors.”

Royal Fidelity Capital Markets Limited served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought the TIGRS 4 and TIGRS 5 Sub Funds to the Exchange. Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank and Trust Limited is the Investment Manager as well as the Administrator.

NOTE: Attached to this Press Release is the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited, Class N, TIGRS, Series 4 Sub Fund (“the TIGRS 4 Sub Fund”) as well as the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited, Class N, TIGRS, Series 5 Sub Fund (“the TIGRS 5 Sub Fund”). This notice advises the public of the security to be listed on the Exchange and the trading symbol of the listed security.

For Additional Information Contact:

Holland Grant

BISX Listing Manager

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320
