by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

Leno Corporate Services becomes a BISX Broker Dealer

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that Leno Corporate Services Limited (LENO) has become a BISX Broker-Dealer Member.

Leno Corporate Services Limited becomes the sixth BISX Broker-Dealer Member to provide brokerage services. Speaking on the addition of a new Broker-Dealer Member, Keith Davies, BISX’s Chief Executive Officer stated, “We are extremely pleased to welcome Leno Corporate Services Limited as our newest Member. It speaks highly to their desire to service the needs of their clients, that they made this decision. Any new initiative that provides investors new options when it comes to financial services and avenues for investment is welcomed by the Exchange.”

Mr. Davies commented further on the significance of this new Member, stating, “Leno’s membership came at the end of almost two years of discussion with their President, Mr. Sean K. Longley and involved due diligence by the Exchange and then approval by the BISX Membership Committee. We expect that as our market evolves and continues to expand, we will continue to see additional firms follow the innovative lead of Leno. They recognized that they needed to look for new ways that they can add value to their clients, as providing just investment advice is no longer enough, with clients wanting to know that firms are able to manage their portfolios and carry out buy and sell transactions on their behalf.”

Mr. Sean K. Longley, President of Leno, stated “after four years of service here in The Bahamas, becoming a BISX Broker Dealer is major milestone for LENO as it reflects our commitment to empowering the everyday investor. Equally important to LENO is the notion of improving the overall understanding and relationship between investments and individuals. We embrace this opportunity and recognize our responsibility as we become a greater part of the investment industry.”

Mr. Longley went on to say that “LENO is a Bahamian owned financial services company that offers a wide range of financial consulting, administrative and management services including Administration of Group Pension and Saving Plans, College Savings Plans, Individual Retirement Plan, Brokerage and Trading, Investment Management Services, Accounting and Payroll Services.”

BISX is committed to fostering the growth of The Bahamian Capital Markets. One of the means that the Exchange focuses on in carrying out this goal is increasing the number of investment alternatives as well as the investment avenues available to investors.

For additional Information please contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Lists Two new Mutual Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION – Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Nalbra Fund Inc. and Lyndhurst Fund Corp. have successfully completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and have now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange.

Nalbra Fund Inc. is a Professional Investment Fund under the Investment Funds Act, 2003 and is incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000. This Fund is a non diversified, open end fund, which seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products.

Lyndhurst Fund Corp. is also a Professional Investment Fund under the Investment Funds Act, 2003 and is incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000. This Fund is a non diversified, open end, investment fund that seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products.

BISX Chief Executive Officer; Keith Davies commented on the listing of the Mutual Funds. “We are pleased to add two new mutual funds to our Mutual Fund Listing Facility and are pleased that Credit Suisse Nassau Branch has continued to offer our Mutual Fund Listing Facility as a value added service to its clients. We are continuing to aggressively pursue additional listing opportunities for the Exchange, and I am happy to report that our efforts are resulting in positive responses and renewed interest from various market participants both locally and internationally.”

Credit Suisse, AG, Nassau Branch served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought these Funds to the Exchange. Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch has been appointed as the Administrator for both funds.

NOTE: Attached to this Press Release is the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Nalbra Fund Inc. and for Lyndhurst Fund Corp. These notices advise the public of the securities to be listed on the Exchange and the trading symbol of these listed securities.

For Additional Information Contact:

Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Q1, 2014 Statistical Report




BISX is pleased to announce its BISX All-Share Index and trading statistics for the three month period ending March 31, 2014 with comparison to the same period of 2013.


For the three month period ending March 31, 2014 the BISX All-Share Index closed at 1,514.10. This represents a year to date increase of 45.88 or 3.12%. By comparison for the three month period ending March 31, 2013 the BISX All-Share Index closed at 1,389.83. This represented a year to date increase of 43.57 or 3.24%. The BISX All-Share Index is a market capitalization weighted index comprised of all primary market listings excluding debt securities.

As at March 31, 2014 the market was comprised of 27 primary market listings with a market capitalization of $3.227 Billion. The primary market securities traded over BISX include 20 common share listings, 3 preference share listings and 4 tranches of debt.


Over the 3 month period January 1 to March 31, 2014, some international equity markets have experienced increases as indicated by the chart below:

Closing Date * MSCI Emerging Market Index * S&P 500 Index * FTSE 100 Index * BISX All Share Index

Dec 31, 2013 * 1,002.69 * 1,848.36 * 6,749.10 * 1,468.22

Mar 31, 2014 * 994.65 * 1,872.34 * 6,598.37 * 1,514.10

Percentage Change (+/-) * -0.80% * 1.30% * 2.23% * 3.12%


Trading volume for the three month period January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014 was 785,296 shares for a value of $3,247,506.34. By comparison, for the three month period from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013; 634,650 shares traded for a value of $3,760,439.21


For the three month period from January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014, the average volume per trading day was 12,535 shares for a value of $52,079.86. By comparison, for the three month period from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013, the average volume per trading day was 10,241 shares for an average value of $60,700.

Month * Avg. volume (2014) * Avg. volume (2013) * Avg. value (2014) * Avg. value (2013)

January * 28,290 * 10,384 * $92,235.70 * $59,195

February * 4,447 * 13,957 * $33,354.65 * $82,753

March * 4,868 * 6,383 * $30,479.22 * $40,153

Average for period * 12,535 * 10,241 * $52,079.86 * $60,700


The top five share volume leaders on BISX for the three month period January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014 with their contribution to total traded volume displayed as a percentage were:


CHL * 170,158.00 * 21.4%

FCLB * 148,100.00 * 18.7%

DHS * 144,384.00 * 18.2%

CBL * 59,538.00 * 7.5%

FCL * 53,892.00 * 6.8%

The top five share value leaders for the three month period January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014 with their contribution to total traded value displayed as a percentage were:


FIN * $567,167.70 * 17.5%

CHL * $491,493.10 * 15.1%

CBL * $384,623.56 * 11.8%

FCL * $323,106.16 * 9.9%

CIB * $246,396.00 * 7.6%

For Additional Information Contact:

Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Lists 2 new mutual funds


The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Hudson Investment and Arbitrage Fund Limited, and Fitpart Diversified Strategies Professional Fund Limited have successfully completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and have now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange.

Hudson Investment and Arbitrage Fund Ltd is a Professional Investment Fund under the Investment Funds Act, 2003 incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000. This Fund is a non diversified, open ended investment fund, which seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products.

Fitpart Diversified Strategies Professional Fund Ltd is also a Professional Investment Fund and is incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000. This Fund is a non diversified, open ended investment fund, which seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products.

BISX Chief Executive Officer; Keith Davies commented on the listing of the Mutual Funds. “We are pleased to add two new mutual funds to our Mutual Fund Listing Facility and are pleased that Credit Suisse Nassau Branch has offered our Mutual Fund Listing Facility as a value added service to its clients.”

Credit Suisse, AG, Nassau Branch served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought these Funds to the Exchange. BVC Services Limited is the Investment Manager for Hudson Investment and Arbitrage Fund Ltd, and Credit Suisse AG, Nassau is Investment Manager for Fitpart Diversified Strategies Professional Fund Limited. Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch has been appointed as the Administrator for both funds.

NOTE: Attached to this Press Release is the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Hudson Investment and Arbitrage Fund Limited, and for Fitpart Diversified Strategies Professional Fund Limited. These notices advise the public of the securities to be listed on the Exchange and the trading symbol of the listed securities.

For Additional Information Contact:

Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320
