by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX lists three new Mutual Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION –Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce that the Nalbra Overseas Fund Corp., the Powder Multistrategy Fund Limited, and the Rio Real Participacoes Fund Inc. have successfully completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and have now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange.

Nalbra Overseas Fund Corp. is incorporated as an International Business Company under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This Fund is a non diversified, open end investment fund, which seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products. It is registered as a Professional Investment Fund under the Securities Industry Act, 2003. Icatu Gestao Patrimonial Ltda serves as the Investment Manager.

Powder Multistrategy Fund Limited is incorporated as an International Business Company under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This Fund is a non diversified, open end, investment fund that seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products. It is registered as a Professional Investment Fund under the Securities Industry Act, 2003. Perfin Administração de Recursos Ltda serves as the Investment Manager.

Rio Real Participacoes Fund Inc. is incorporated as an International Business Company under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This Fund is a non diversified, open end, investment fund that seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products. It is registered as a Professional Investment Fund under the Securities Industry Act, 2003. Icatu Gestao Patrimonial Ltda serves as the Investment Manager.

BISX Chief Executive Officer, Keith Davies commented on the listing of the three funds: “We continue to build on the success of investments that we made in establishing close working relationships with our Sponsor Members and the wider Bahamian Financial Services Industry. These listings are also positive proof of the value that our industry continues to add to its clients. We are confident that our market is moving steadily towards the day when listings of this nature are considered common place, and are a part of the normal course of doing fund business in The Bahamas.”

Credit Suisse, AG, Nassau Branch served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought these Funds to the Exchange and Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch has been appointed as the Administrator for all three funds.

NOTE: Attached to this Press Release is the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Nalbra Overseas Fund Corp., Powder Multistrategy Fund Limited, and Rio Real Participacoes Fund Inc. This notice advises the public of the securities to be listed on the Exchange and the trading symbol of each listed security.

For Additional Information Contact:

Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

Powder Multistrategy Fund Limited – Formal Notice

Powder Multistrategy Fund Limited a company incorporated in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, has filed an application with The Bahamas International Securities Exchange Limited to list its securities on the Exchange.

The Formal Notice is attached to this Press Release and advises the public of the Listing Application submitted by the issuer.

For Additional Information Contact:

Mrs. Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320


by Alika Hepburn Alika Hepburn No Comments

BISX Publishes Article on Mutual Funds and lists two new funds

FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION – Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) is pleased to announce the publication of an article on the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Facility on the financial services website Hedgeweek. Hedgeweek is one of the largest news publication websites targeted to covering matters of interest to hedge funds and institutional investors. Hedgeweek has over 41,000 dedicated subscribers and many more unique visitors to its articles. The BISX article can be found at: .

BISX Chief Executive Officer; Keith Davies commented on the publication of the article. “We are delighted to have had this opportunity to highlight to a larger audience the benefits of our listing facility. At BISX we like to take a broader view to opportunities such as this, the publication of this article while great for BISX, is also a benefit for our broader financial services industry as listings always involve the contribution of local professionals. The publication of the article was made possible through the facilitation of The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) and we are especially grateful to BFSB CEO Miss. Aliya Allen and to Mrs. Donna Nguyen-Comito”

Mr. Davies went on to add, “We are also pleased that the publication of this new article happened to coincide with the listing of two new mutual funds on the Exchange. The timing of these two separate events confirms the information detailed in our article. We are grateful to Credit Suisse Nassau Branch for their continued involvement in BISX.”

The two funds listed are the Grande Escolha Vinhos Fund Limited and Artemis Holdings Fund Inc. which have both successfully completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and have now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange.

Grande Escolha Vinhos Fund Limited is incorporated as an International Business Companies Act, 2000 under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This Fund is a non diversified, open end fund which seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products. Credit Suisse, AG, Nassau Branch served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought this Fund to the Exchange. Icatu Gestao Patrimonial Ltda. is the Investment Manager for these funds. Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch has been appointed as the Administrator for the funds.

Artemis Holdings Fund Inc. is also an open ended Fund that is incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000. This Fund is a non diversified, open end, investment fund that seeks capital appreciation by investing in a variety of instruments and financial products. Credit Suisse, AG, Nassau Branch served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought this Fund to the Exchange. Icatu Gestao Patrimonial Ltda. is the Investment Manager for this fund. Credit Suisse AG, Nassau Branch has been appointed as the Administrator for the fund.

NOTE: Attached to this Press Release is the BISX Formal Trading Notice for Grande Escolha Vinhos Fund Limited and Artemis Holdings Fund Inc. This notice advises the public of the securities to be listed on the Exchange and the trading symbol of the listed securities.

For Additional Information Contact:

Elude Michel-Sturrup

Tel: 242-323-2330

Fax: 242-323-2320
